A Positive Force Fueled by Adversity

Really enjoyed this local documentary #TheSongsWeSang#Netflixhttps://www.netflix.com/title/81310409 about Xinyao.

Xinyao was a movement that evolved from a period of major reforms to “align” chinese education into the national syllables. The Chinese educated bore the brunt of these reforms and the ensuing discrimination – the extent of this was denoted by a Straits Times headline in 1978 – ‘Nantah graduates are worth only $300 per month’ and the closure of Nantah University in 1980.

A positive force fuelled by adversity…

Xinyao was an outlet for the Chinese-educated to assert their identity against these changes. Instead of being destructive, it became a unifying force between Chinese and English speaking Cinaporeans. Xinyao also became a catalyst for the development of international Mandopop stars such as Eric Moo, Kit Chan and Stephanie Sun.

“Adversity introduces a man to himself”

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The Roof is Leaking

There is a small hole in the roof of the office.

Joe places a small pail to collect the water when it rains.

The hole is getting bigger. Joe uses a bigger pail.

The hole gets even bigger. Jen offers to help Joe. They will use another pail to replace the first before it gets filled.

It’s the rainy season and a second hole appears!

Joe and Jen are overwhelmed by the constant switching of pails. They can’t keep up with their own BAU. Their manager assigns Jen to take over Joe’s work so he can focus on the roof situation. Jen gets upset that she has to do extra work.

Thankfully, the dry season approaches.

The manager comes up with a great solution. She requests funding from the director to fly in an overseas expert to help with the situation. Joe is mentored by the expert. Additional funds are used to purchase specialized pails and an expensive wet weather radar recommended by the expert.

The rainy season is here again and another hole appears!

There are now three holes but Joe is ready! With his new expertise and equipment, he manages the situation superbly. Joe receives a new title – ‘Environmental Control Specialist’.

An additional staff named Jeff is hired to take over Joe’s original BAU. Jeff and Jen will still assist Joe when the need arises. There are now three persons in the new ‘Environmental Control’ team.

It’s time for the annual awards dinner!

Joe is promoted to Manager and commended for contributing towards a safe and clean working environment. His manager has been selected to attend a two year leadership program in the Switzerland as a reward for her innovation. She will take on the role of Director when she returns to Singapore.

The roof is still leaking…

Coach Hansen

#bullshitjobs #morejobs #betterjobs #upskill #essentialservices #gettingshitdone #innovation #productivity

The $1 Investment

You probably have an ambitious goal.

Like any worthwhile goal, it’s often complex with a series of problems to be solved.

And of course, challenges are going to be inevitable and resources are likely to be limited.

It’s stressful to even think about where and how you should start, and if it is even possible or worthwhile to achieve this goal. Speaking from personal experience, I sometimes get so overwhelmed and I would give up before I even got started.

So what could be a possible solution?

Here’s a simple thought exercise that I’ve discovered. It has helped me to break down and simplify things. Perhaps it might work for you too.

I call it the $1 Investment and I created these 3 steps to make the method seem more legitimate 😉

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